So all the boys tested positive for step the Tuesday before Thanksgiving. Woo Hoo! Thankfully, after a few days of antibiotics they seemed to all be feeling better. But then this happened...
Gabe gets sent to the nurse at school on Tuesday a week later with 101 fever - while still on his meds for strep. Then his eyes start swelling up...geez. So back to the doctor we go. The poor kids endures 3 more days of 101-103 fever (while on Ibuprofen, mind you) and another round of bigger, uglier, drugs. His poor system is not handling Kindergarten well. He has now been on antibiotics four times since school started - about 100 days ago! This is totally not cool for his little body. And now it has been officially deemed required that we get his horribly over-sized (3+) tonsils/adenoids out so he can breathe at night. He is not thrilled.
After two days at home with mom taking it easy and doing quiet work, he has started to perk back up. Apparently, his hair has, too.