
Monday, October 31, 2011

Meal Planning Monday: Oct 31, 2011

Another crazy week is on tap at our house this week, so I think our meals are probably going to stuff a little.  We have Reece's birthday (he's 1!) on Wednesday - but we aren't celebrating until Saturday afternoon.  I also have a faculty meeting on Wednesday and an appointment at the allergist on Friday to try and sort out the ridiculousness that has become my allergies.  In fact, just this afternoon I spent over an hour in the local walk in clinic for what I was sure was an ear infection.  Nope - just "fluid behind your eardrum, I'm sure it hurts."  Not infected yet, she says - "but that isn't to say it won't be in 5-10 days," and then she sends me on my merry way.  Great...anyway, I digress.  Meal planning, yeah, that is what we were talking about!

Green Tomato Relish Prep!
Monday: Smoked Sausage and 'Kraut with steamed carrots and cauliflower
Tuesday: Sweet and Sour Tofu
     also tonight - chop, chop, chop to get the green tomato relish in the fridge to pickle overnight
Wednesday: Something from the crock pot, not sure what yet!
     also tonight -  cook and can/jar the green tomato relish (yeah!)
Thursday: Skillet Gnocchi with Blue Cheese
Friday: Probably just pizza, too much planning and set up has to happen to cook tonight.

Saturday: Left overs from the party - and cake!
Sunday: Clean out the fridge day.

Linking to OrgJunkie, where Meal Planning Monday lives.


Cooking with Cristin said...

i like how your menu sounds. very different.. nothing id think of. do the kids eat the meals u make or do they get something different?
Here is a link to my Menu Plan/Question of the week
I would love if you stopped by to check it out
Enjoy your week:)

A Shannon Bowen said...

They usually do everything we make, unless it is really spicy. They are very adventurous little eaters.