Summer has begun! |
With today the being the first official day of the summer season (though we are all still in school for weeks), AND the fact it has been hot as all get out all weekend, it seemed like time to break out the kiddie pool and let the boys have a field day. The "big pool" is no where near warm enough, but the little pool was more than enough entertainment for the day. The boys stripped fasterthan I could actually find their "swimmy pants." Once everyone was wearing their suits they wasted not one second getting in. Luckily, I managed to snap a picture before the point where Gabe decided to be "nakey butt" and remove his suit!
The pool kept them entertained for over an hour in the morning, then we took a break and had lunch and 2 of the 3 crashed for a nap. After everyone was awake, we started the process all over again and they splashed and played for another hour or so. It totally wore them out - but they had a blast!
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