Today we had to take Grayson to his 6 month check up with Dr H (or as Grayson refers to him, the Foot Doctor.) We decided it would be fun to make a day of it and take all the boys to the appointment (doesn't this sound fun?? wait for it...) and then after the appointment we could all go to the Discovery Museum on the Inner Harbor. We have a membership to the Kids Museum closer to home, so we thought we would take advantage of the reciprocal membership program and spend the afternoon at Baltimore's museum.

We decided at his last appointment that we would have Grayson continue to wear his brace as long as the shoes still fit. He was 'released' from wearing it - BUT he had not had the big growth spurt we saw Gabe just have over the summer (1.5 inches in under 90 days) and growth spurts are prime causes of relapses. So while we waited, the boys donned exam gloves and played with haloed limbs:
You can't tell - but he's in there! Three stories up! |
After seeing Dr H and getting "extra credit" for continuing the brace, we loaded up and headed to the museum. The boys had a blast. They literally went up and down and up and down at warp speed for HOURS. This museum was spectacular. Grayson really liked the "water room" where everything was wet and splashing. There were raincoats and crocs for the kids to put on and a full body dryer for when they were done! HE also thrilled at the full size VW Bug and filling station where he could pretend to pump gas and drive. Reece's favorite thing seemed to be the full diner scaled down for little people. He 'took my order' and brought me food from the kitchen for almost 20 minutes before we moved on. Gabe ran up and down and through the tunnels at break neck speed. He also liked the room where they could pulley themselves across the river on a raft.

(there are lots more pictures, I just need to set them up in a slide show format)
As we left the museum the sun was literally setting and the boys were exhausted. We grabbed some food on the run - which added to the fun factor for them since we never do the drive through. I snapped a few pictures as we left town.
The kids were asleep about 30 seconds after inhaling their dinner and we enjoyed a quiet drive home. I think next time we might try the aquarium :)
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