
Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Today was all good....

Right up until it wasn't.

We got back on track today.  Kids helped with meals, school work was done with minimal fuss.  We hit a snag for our afternoon session when we couldn't find our field guides for plants anywhere - but they all adapted and found something else constructive to do. 

Even with the chilly weather, the kids decided around 3:30 they were ready to brave the cold to get some fresh air.  And THIS is where things took a turn.  We had our first tumble on the new sidewalk out front.  After cleaning it up and consulting all my Facebook nurse and healthcare friends...we decided that:

- yes, he likely needs stitches
- however, it is on his shin, not his face or some other 'meaty' area
- and lastly, we could probably steri strip it together and avoid the ER or Urgent Care in the middle of a pandemic.

This was also yet another moment when we felt our pediatricians office has really let us down and we need to be looking elsewhere after 11 years.  It is sad, but our doctors left - and then Valley Health took over.  There are waits over an hour with an appointment, phone messages not returned, days you call and are told there are NO PROVIDERS in the office, and then today when we called about stitches we were told they wouldn't be able to see him until at least a day or two....ummm...that is not how stitches work.  So there you have it. 

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