
Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Gabe's moved to his big boy bed!

Well, it had to happen - I just didn't think it would happen so soon. Over the weekend Gabe discovered that he could easily climb out (and back in) of his crib - and he could climb out of his crib and into Grayson's - only to leave that one when he was finished playing with him.

After much debate, we decided we should just take the plunge Sunday night and convert his crib to a big boy bed. Crib tents just don't seem like a great idea for a very active, strong willed child. We stripped the room down (no more cute little room - now just beds and a dresser) and introduced him to his bed. He was very happy about being able to get in and out (and in and out and in and out and in and out....)

It has taken him the better part of 60-90 minutes to settle down the last two night, but once he does, he has stayed in his bed the entire night. What is not going so well is the concept of the afternoon nap. Gabe needs sleep more than Grayson, but he cannot seem to settle for his afternoon for anything and it is making him crazy cranky. Unfortunately, there is not too much that can be done to help it right now because he can climb out of anything you put him in. We are hoping that he will 'learn' to nap over the next week or so.

Grayson is less than thrilled that Gabe is keeping him up in the evening, but again - we are hoping it will continue to improve. We are only a few days in to this new adventure and we know it will take time for him to learn to adjust - so we are just staying easy going about it all and just redirecting him back to his bed as often.

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