
Monday, January 9, 2012

Reece Helping in the Kitchen

Today Reece got to 'help' in the kitchen while his brothers were with Doug.  We started with just big tube shaped pasta stirring it in a pot.  Then he got out the colander.  Before it was all over we had added two more shapes, some cupcake papers, a chopstick to thread the pasta onto, and a canning jar.  He spent almost an hour on the floor scooping, threading, dumping, and banging -- and chewing on -- the pasta. 


Concrete Girl said...

Is Reece your son's name?! I wanted to name my son Reese SO badly because my grandfather (who passed away) was a diehard Peewee Reese fan. My husband didn't like the name for our son, but I still adore it :)

A Shannon Bowen said...

It is :)